
WORKSHOP: Designing Research, co-creating generative possibilities

July 2014 – at seats2meet

In partnership with Kristin Bodiford

Another edition of the designing research workshop! Again, it was  a success. Six participants from different parts of the world (Spain, England, Emirates and the Netherlands) united to learn and share about relational forms of inquiry.

The workshop focused on collaborative and participatory research through a social constructionist framework. The underlying principles presented was to illustrate the many ways in which we engage in research and inquiry as a daily practice, bringing that to the foreground of our work.

Below you see the principles we worked for developing research with a more collaborative approach.

 I. Creative and organic (or emergent)

– Responsiveness (responsive to what is being created)

– Curiosity, reflexivity

II. Fluid and Dynamic

–          As we think about engaging in research we envision a fluid, dynamic, and participatory approach.

III. Multiplicity and Complexity

–          Open to the multiple theories, voices, etc.

IV. Relational and Collaborative

–          Participatory forms of developing inquiry; inclusion of participants as co-researchers.

When combining these resources, very active way of doing research emerges, giving the opportunity to embrace research as a social practice and as meaning making process, collectively co-creating generative possibilities for the involved.

Some cool pics of the weekend!!!