Here I share my workshop and trainings on research theory and practice. You can see the variety of courses I give to enable professionals in search of creative and innovative methodologies and tools in research.

For over 20 years, I have been supporting entrepreneurs, educators, leaders, and people from all walks of life how to design coherent research projects, choosing the best approach and methods..

Practitioner Research Series: Design Thinking and Social Construction

Sheila McNamee and I were invited to record a conversation about Design Thinking and Social construction as part of the EMCC – Global Coaching Seminars. Coaches in training will learn from our innovative framework on research as intervention. Watch here the presentation:  

Innovation and Change Processes: Social Construction and Design Thinking

This interactive workshop discussed  the principles of the Constructionist-Design Research framework,  a transformative approach that integrates the theory of social construction with the powerful tools of design thinking. The workshop presented the Constructionist Design Process, providing a structured framework for fostering creativity, transformation, and innovation. Experience an interactive workshop divided into two essential segments. The first segment delved into conceptual aspects, introducing a relational theory of systems. The second segment offered a hands-on, practical experience, allowing participants to apply the concepts in their unique contexts.  Participants engaged and  expanded their perspectives, learning some tools to drive meaningful transformations in their professional

Six weeks Online SC course – introduction to Social construction

With such a world in flux, how can we engage with places, people, and systems to generate relevant resources, practices, and knowledge, thereby fostering a flourishing society? To tackle this pivotal question, a new logic needs to be adopted, a paradigm that embraces the dynamic, diverse, and uncertain world in which we live. If we aspire to innovate in systems, we need more creativity, an abundance of imagination, and methodological innovations that can generate both novel practices as well as new theoretical insights. This is just a six weeks course on Social Construction and relational approaches.  Learn more at:

Research as Innovation & Collaborative Action Research

Here you have a conversation on two different  papers published on creative, collaborative and imaginative principles of research. The authors present and critically discuss the challenges and opportunities to conduct participatory research that embraces creativity and imagination to co-create knowledge. This conversation features two publications: Camargo-Borges, C.; McNamee, S. (2020). Research as Innovation: An Invitation to Creative and Imaginative Inquiry Processes. & Ottar Ness and Dina von Heimburg (2020). Collaborative Action Research: Co-constructing Social Change for the Common Good. From the book: Sheila McNamee, Mary M. Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges, Emerson F. Rasera (editors). The SAGE Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice.

Designing crazy patchworks: Co-creating collaborative research

A TAOS workshop in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Collaborative inquiry: a methodological exploration

Collaborative inquiry: a methodological exploration
29th & 30th September 2016.
VUB, Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.

Co-creating collaborative research

“Collaborative Research”. Two days workshop at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium. Co-facilitated by Jasmina Sermijn. Part of the collaboration programme TAOS-VUB Ph.D. Location: Brussels, Belgium.

Designing Crazy Patchworks : collaborative inquiry

The three days workshop invited professionals and researchers to explore their researches from a collaborative approach. After setting the stage with the philosophical approach of constructionism, the participants explored, through different creative sessions, their own research questions and research design reflecting on the implications for the field as well as academically. The final day was dedicated to presentations where the participants showed their learning and had some general feedback from the group. The group was completely international, having with 10 participants from 10 different countries – Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Tanzania, Iran. The diversity generated a

WORKSHOP: Designing Research, co-creating generative possibilities

July 2014 – at seats2meet In partnership with Kristin Bodiford Another edition of the designing research workshop! Again, it was  a success. Six participants from different parts of the world (Spain, England, Emirates and the Netherlands) united to learn and share about relational forms of inquiry. The workshop focused on collaborative and participatory research through a social constructionist framework. The underlying principles presented was to illustrate the many ways in which we engage in research and inquiry as a daily practice, bringing that to the foreground of our work. Below you see the principles we worked for developing research with

WORKSHOP: Research 2.0 Amsterdam, Netherlands

23rd November  2013 Amsterdam – Seats2Meet (Beur van Berlage) In partnership with Kristin Bodiford The project: Me and Kristin Bodiford have teamed up to develop an online community building resource focusing on relational and collaborative forms of conducting research. Through this platform we hope to offer a way of thinking about research with a social constructionist orientation, as something organic, co-creative, embedded in daily life and work, and as transformative. Our goal is to build a community of practitioners from around the world and reach people who can be empowered with this way of thinking about research. In addition to

Organizer of the First International Symposium on Relational Research

The emerging post-modern paradigms in social research are provoking changes in the way knowledge is understood and produced in research. The focus shifts from the discovery of a pre-existing truth or singular reality to the process of constructing knowledge in diverse contexts. Postmodern strategies recognize the dynamic and constructed nature of reality while encouraging attention to the interpersonal relationships that ultimately shape and define our experience. In this dialogical approach orientation, openness, multiplicity, appreciation and engagement are invited in research. As a consequence, a democratic view on what is possible in research is emerging and connecting more with daily practice