
Presenting at the Global conference of Positive Change

The 2nd Global Conference on Positive Change, happened in Amsterdam during the 15th – 16th November, 2018 and I was invited to present on the topic of: “Organization as conversations: positive change through art and play”.
Arts-based approach is a well establish method that involvesphotovoice, storytelling, pictures and visuals.
By embracing such methods, from the field of arts, one can enable powerful narratives that go beyond rational linguistic representation, thereby amplifying stories and providing a more complex view of a situation. As a consequence new organizational realities are to be engineered, catalyzing the potentials of the conversation and heading into the direction of actions to be built.
The presentation was giving in a workshop format and it was about understanding and experimenting how to use art and play to facilitate positive encounters, to create a safe space and to promote meaningful conversations. The workshop also focused on how to become a co-creative catalyst, a group facilitator that can design environments to bring ideas and perspectives together in a collective creativity format.

Click here to see some pictures.