Here you can watch my workshops and lectures from a different angle as I have them broadcasted!
I also share some conversations with great professionals in podcasts or video recordings. Enjoy!
Documentary – traditional communities in Brasil – Cross-cultural international projects
This documentary is the outcome of a collaborative work between my university BUas with Fiocruz, UFF , The Observatory of Sustainable Territories and the Forum das Communidades Tradicionais. Together we created a powerful narrative to share. In the Atlantic Rainforest of Brasil, Indigenous, Caiçara and Quilombola communities fight together to preserve their culture and territory.
Video: Sustainability Transitions
This video showcases a session from the Digital Learning Festival focused on sustainability transitions in education and research. The event, a collaboration between the Netherlands and Brazil, explored vital topics like internationalization, learning communities, and sustainability. The session had key themes such as sustainability transitions, learning communities, cognitive justice, and mobility justice, all aimed at fostering a regenerative culture in education. The conversation featured innovative approaches on transitions, on designing sustainable learning spaces, and mobility justice. Participants include: Thiago Allis, Professor of Tourism & Mobilities, USP EACH; Frans Melissen, Transversal Professor of Sustainability Transitions, Buas; Assen Panov, Lecturer, Academy of
Podcast: the radical therapist: how design thinking can converse with therapeutic practices to foster more innovative conversations
Chris Hoff , from The Radical Therapist podcast, interviewed me on topic such as design thinking and collaborative dialogues. Together, we explored how design thinking can be integrated into therapeutic practices to foster more innovative and inclusive conversations. This episode explores the intersection of design and therapy, emphasizing the importance of creativity, co-creation, and collaboration in shaping meaningful therapeutic experiences. I talked about how these principles can transform the way we engage with clients and communities in therapy.
Podcast: Dear Future, I’m Ready
In this podcast I share some ideas on the potential of dialogue, learning processes, design and social change.
Podcast: Relational Education – How to innovate in learning processes
In this podcast, we talk about how the ideas and practices of social constructionism are even more relevant in times of Covid.
Designing and Performing Research as a Relational Endeavor
Embracing the assumption that all research is relational enables the researcher to be more present and attentive to the research process, paying attention to what the context urges and offers, and to what participants need. In relational research, the plurality of voices are fundamental to produce knowledge that can be useful and transformative.
Designing conversations – a three dinner course with Luca Grasso
Conversations can not be predicted but they are also not random. You can design spaces and creative formats for conversations to go into more fruitful directions. This conversation over dinner with Luca Grasso explores a variety of frames and shapes in which productive conversations can take place.
A Collection of best practices on Public Space Initiatives
The Innovation Game. State of the Art Catalogue. Collection of best practices on public space initiatives.
Research as Innovation & Collaborative Action Research
Here you have a conversation on two different papers published on creative, collaborative and imaginative principles of research. The authors present and critically discuss the challenges and opportunities to conduct participatory research that embraces creativity and imagination to co-create knowledge. This conversation features two publications: Camargo-Borges, C.; McNamee, S. (2020). Research as Innovation: An Invitation to Creative and Imaginative Inquiry Processes. & Ottar Ness and Dina von Heimburg (2020). Collaborative Action Research: Co-constructing Social Change for the Common Good. From the book: Sheila McNamee, Mary M. Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges, Emerson F. Rasera (editors). The SAGE Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice.
Podcast: What Can Social Constructionist Practice Offer in Times of Uncertainty?
In this podcast, we talk about how the ideas and practices of social constructionism are even more relevant in times of Covid.
Podcast: Innovation practices in the field of Social Construction
Positivity Strategist together with the Taos Institute created a season of 10 episodes exploring innovative work embracing the ideas of Social Constructionism.
Intercultural work for Public Engagement, Parelheiros – SP – Brazil
One of the projects developed by the Brazilian NGO Ibeac is called “Ruas adotadas” (adopted streets) in which they occupied some streets of the neighborhood to give space for kids to play, for parents to engage and learn from each other, and for workshops about healthy food to be given.
Making Places Shaping Destinations – Social Entrepreneurship in peripheric communities
The video is an illustration of a small project developed as part of a collaboration between Breda University, University of Sao Paulo, the NGO Ibeac and the farmers from “Acolhendo em Parelheiros”, São Paulo, Brazil. Parelheiros is a neighborhood of São Paulo containing great natural importance, however with high poverty and inequality.
Criatividade e Imaginação em pesquisa e intervenção: comunicação intercultural
Nesse podcast falo sobre meu percurso profissional, meu trabalho como educadora em programas interdisciplinares e internacionais e como a criatividade e imaginação fazem parte da forma como atuo em pesquisa.
Making Places and Shaping Destinations in Perus, São Paulo, Brazil
Making Places in the region Perus, São Paulo, Brasil. A field work experiment connecting Dutch students with local community.
Designing Conversations: GamePlan as a creative design tool
A conversation on GamePlan, a creative design tool.
Designing Conversations: Setting stage for connection and engagement in Business
A conversation on Design and Social Construction supporting business meetings. How can you design spaces and conversations for a successful project to develop?
Designing Conversations: Design and Social Construction
A conversation on Design approaches and Social Constructionism.
Experience Design Course – 2.0 (Imagineering Master – 2017)
Experience Design Course with the Imagineering Master students at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences! A journey of three full days learning the Imagineering Design approach while applying it.
Experience design course – Imagineering Masters
Three days co-creating knowledge and practice in context, using the collective creativity and the ABCD model of Imagineering to come up with an experience for each challenge.
Research 2.0
Research can be fun and sexy This video is the outcome of a project I developed with a student who was very much interested in understanding why all students, when it comes to research work, get so bored and demotivated? Can we make research fun and sexy? The video shows the exploration we did with students, trying to understand their perception on research and also with researchers, who are embracing a more creative and collaborative perspective on inquiry.
Mobile Interview
Mobile interview can be a Method of data collection as well as a tool for intervention. In classical research – collecting data requires a controlled environment, a neutral researcher in order to guarantee the validity and the rigor of the data. However new approaches on research are challenging data collection by stating that actually when we enter our field of research we are already influencing the environment and people just by being there, just by the type of questions we ask. Interview, in the approach of data generation is about a collaborative conversation, with a purpose, of course, in which
The photovoice method is a taylor-made approach embracing the context of a research/Intervention articulated with the needs of participants. It builds on the power and potential of photography as a tool that enables and encourages participants to be creative, reflective on the topic and imagine alternative futures. With photovoice, we encourage independence towards the participants. They can freely choose what they would like to share about themselves and their surroundings in a visual manner. By giving the people a camera, they are able to document and reveal what they appreciate and what they would like to share. The pictures can