Book Chapter: The Opportunities and Challenges of Using Digital Learning Environments in Educational Organizations.
Morrison, K. and Camargo-Borges, C. 2016.
The internet has changed the way we communicate, how we do business, how we identify with ourselves and our culture and how we approach education. However, our hyper-connected society has yet to reach its full potential for reframing the education environment into a more connected, transparent and engaging system. In order to do so, educational organizations must re-imagine forms of learning that are more suited to the contemporary world we now live in.
This chapter explores the possible opportunities for e-learning to create a more significant and engaging learning experience, by analyzing the practicalities and consequences of new technologies together with a re-examination of concepts and traditions underlying didactic and learning theory.
Digital learning can bring innumerable opportunities, but educational transformation will not occur by just adding technology to the educational system. The design of the virtual space, the facilitator and the understanding of learning, all play fundamental roles in the success of the new format.
Book Part IV
Pages: pp 161-172
Print ISBN 978-3-319-24697-0
Online ISBN 978-3-319-24699-4
Publisher: Springer International Publishing