This interdisciplinary field has been investigated by researchers at the Breda University of Applied Sciences. Together with research, a course is given to students where they learn concepts and resources to make places a better more liveable while at the same time increasing the potential to become a destination. Furthermore fieldwork takes place where international challenges are set up for students to work together with local communities.
The PlaceMaking Shaping Destination field trip 2018 brought 44 students from the Netherlands for a challenge in Brazil. The challenge was:
“How to facilitate the sustainable development of two different destinations in Brazil: Flona Ipanema and Silva Jardim”.
Both places are protected areas in Brazil and have the challenge to conservate while at the same time develop sustainable business.
Flona Ipanema is a protect forest in the State of São Paulo, with a private-public governance system and plenty of olde stories to tell.
Silva Jardim is a region with a social movement in place, having many social actors trying to shape the destination while providing a better life to the local community.
Students were visiting different places in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, getting to know the context and culture of Brazil while investigating the potential of the destination.
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