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Designing research with creativity: arts-based methods as a way to co-create with destinations - Celiane Camargo-Borges


Designing research with creativity: arts-based methods as a way to co-create with destinations

Camargo-Borges,C (2018). Designing research with creativity: arts-based methods as a way to co-create with destinations. Tourism Destination Management Insights (II), 9-11

Understanding the complexity of a destination is core when developing a new project or new interventions. Besides the understanding phase, there is also the phase of involving all the stakeholders, the assessment phase and so forth. Being successful in destination management is quite hard as destinations are full of complexities and local policies, local culture and values play a big role. Conducting research therefore become mandatory for tackling all the matters above.
There are however many approaches to research in a destination. This article introduces a possible way to design research that is very connected to creativity. Creativity refers to the capacity of the researcher to be curious and open-minded, in order to explore and investigate beyond what is given (the data), aiming at immersing in the complexity of a place and of people in order to create an unimagined future together with the destination.

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