One of the projects developed by the Brazilian NGO Ibeac is called “Ruas adotadas” (adopted streets) in which they occupied some streets of the neighborhood to give space for kids to play, for parents to engage and learn from each other, and for workshops about healthy food to be given.
Our students from the course PlaceMaking Shaping Destination spend two weeks partnering with the NGO, involved with the topic, working with locals and designing ideas that could contribute to make ruas adotadas a success as the NGO reported many challenges in making it happen.
In adopting those streets there is always a challenge in choosing which streets have the potential to become part of the project as well as how to engage the locals in this endevour. Furthermore, there is also the challenge in making some streets permanent interventions that would give more places and spaces for the neighborhood to meet and the kids to play.
The students came up with the idea of developing a customer journey for the projects and professionals sketchs. They offered the NGO the idea to work with professionals sketchs that can provide good visualization of how the places could be made. This way the community can understand better the purpose and how they have to help and engage in occupying the streets.
The video shows the learning process of the students, the work together with the community and their final ideas developed and presented.
Intercultural work for Public Engagement, Parelheiros – SP – Brazil