Brazilian Week @ Breda University of Applied Sciences

Place Making Shaping Destination in Brazil

November 20 – 23, 2017

From November 20th to 23rd, I, on behalf of Place Making Shaping Destination Minor and the SER office (Strategy, Education and Research) organized a conference on Making and Shaping Destinations in Brazil at  Breda University of Applied Sciences. During this conference, questions such as How to develop sustainable cities? And how to balance urban and nature? were answered.

Brazilian scholars and professionals working with Brazil conducted guest lectures and round table meetings during the Brazilian Week in Breda. Topics such as Governance, Stakeholder Engagement, Branding, Digital Technologies, Sustainable Developments, Art, Culture and Education were discussed. Click here for more details about the program and the Brazilian scholars and professionals.program who were present during the conference.

Cutting edge approaches and illustrations from the field were presented. The Brazilian Week ended with an authentic Brazilian party on the last day of the conference.


For more pictures, click here.