The initiative called “Brazilian bites” is a collection of activities (little bites of Brazil) where we invite professionals and academics working in a Brazilian context to share their experience within the Dutch culture. They present their cases, studies and stories in different formats inviting a cross cultural dialogue.
All these bites have the aim to expand the network Brazil-Netherlands while providing new perspectives to our interdisciplinary Making Places & Shaping Destinations minor and research line. Furthermore, it helps with the field work we organize every year in Brazil, which focuses on innovative and sustainable ways of making places. We aim at work collaboratively with territories to promote health lives for residents while being attractive destination for visitors. This year the field work will focus in the territory of Silva Jardim and Tubiacanga (communities in Rio de Janeiro region) and Perus and Parelheiros (communities in the Sao Paulo region). Participants will work together with local stakeholders to create social entrepreneurship while raising awareness of the heritage of the regions. All these in close cooperation with our partners.
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Cross-cultural and knowledge exchange between Brazil and The Netherlands