Nesse podcast falo sobre meu percurso profissional, meu trabalho como educadora em programas interdisciplinares e
2019 Ethical Dilemmas in the Creative, Cultural and Service Industries. Routledge Publisher. Edited by Johan
Twenty-five youngsters of a region called Silva Jardim, close to Rio de Janeiro-Brazil came together to
Innovation Games in Brazil - an immersive program for social impact in the region of
Is it possible to generate social impact in community/organization through playing? A big YES is
Innovation Games in Brazil!
A workshop at the Dutch Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, presented innovation
This interdisciplinary field has been investigated by researchers at the Breda University of Applied Sciences.
Innovation Games in Brazil! A workshop at the Dutch Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, presented
Event: World Leisure Organization Field School August 24th until 1 September 2018. This was a
Workshop: Towards relational and poetic forms of social activism in professional practice and in everyday