International Conference – Performing the World, New York City I had the privilege to
On the 11th , 12th and 13th of October 2016 another Experience Design course
Collaborative inquiry: a methodological exploration
29th & 30th September 2016.
VUB, Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050
THE KNOWLEDGE BOX October 7th 2016 (Starting at 3 P.M.) NHTV and Performatory would
Brazil Encounters Topic: Innovative research designs : what are we really talking about? On the
On the 6th September 2016 a workshop was given in Breda by two PhD researchers
Science as future forming – research shaping the future! Oct. 19-20 2016 Facilitators: Celiane Camargo-Borges,
This July 2016 I had the pleasure to sit on a committee of three PhD
The experience design course to the summer school 2016 at the NHTV Breda University.
Borduque, M. C. B. & Camargo-Borges, C. (2016) Narrativas Estratégicas para a Mudança Organizacional: