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Cross-cultural/International projects - Celiane Camargo-Borges

I have been working as an Intercultural professional for many years. I prepare professionals not just to become aware of diversity but to appreciate and use it for the benefit of their work and those with whom they work.

I consider myself an intercultural or multi-cultural person. I was born and raised Brazilian, moved as a young adult to England to learn the language and from there, in my typical mode of curiosity, I discovered a world outside of Brazil and have never stopped moving and exploring – after England, my next step was to the USA for my PhD and then on to Taiwan, Singapore and finally to The Netherlands where I’m based nowadays.

In this page you can see some international projects I work with. Some are related to education, offering students the opportunity to apply their learning in real life and real challenges. Others are professional trainings where I offer some resources and tools to help professionals to become culturally proficient, embracing diversity and innovate from it.

Furthermore, I collaborate with Kit Intercultural professionals in Amsterdam, where I consult and train professionals to work in an international environment, developing a glocal mindset.

Ancestral worldviews strengthening our understanding of sustainability – Bocaina

We recently had a meaningful meeting with the traditional communities of Bocaina, in Brazil’s coastal region of the Atlantic forest. We discussed the premiere of our upcoming documentary and the continuation of our partnership. Breda University – Buas –  has been fostering a partnership with these communities through the support of the Observatory of Sustainable and Healthy Territories (OTSS) and the Forum of Traditional Communities. One of the outcomes of this partnership is a documentary that explores the intertwined relationship between nature and culture. Our hope is that this film will spark inspiration and encourage us all to rethink our

#WE COMMIT United Nation Civil Society Manifesto for Nairobi, Kenya

  #WE COMMIT United Nation Civil Society Manifesto for Nairobi, Kenya. Embarking on a Natural Experimentation Journey of Learning in Parelheiros, São Paulo, Brasil United Nation Civil Society conference: our manifesto of commitment The UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, is collecting experiences from all of the world related to our commitment to a brighter future to the planet. Our team – Breda University, University of São Paulo, Federal University of São Carlos and some artists and entrepreneurs – made our commitment. We got immersed for a weekend in the nature of Parelheiros, a  region in southern São Paulo

Documentary making with traditional communities in Brasil

Have you ever wondered what happens when you connect knowledge from academia with the cosmovision of traditional communities? Or when you connect students from different countries to work with indigenous and quilombola youth? At the “Faces of Bocaina” project, we’re on a journey to find out . We are experimenting with education that trusts the process as it unfolds, paying attention to the co-creation of knowledge and how learning happens in interactions and relationships. We spent two weeks amidst the lands of the Guaranis Mbya, Quilombolas, and Caiçaras in the Atlantic Region of Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo (Bocaina Region). We were

Uganda: A Global Learning Journey Designing Impactful Futures

Uganda: A Global Learning Journey Designing Impactful Futures   This academic holiday has been an enriching journey of collaboration, growth, and heartfelt connections. I embarked on a learning journey in Uganda that transcends borders and expertise. Team Together, a non-profit organization of which I am a board member, invited collaborators from diverse corners of the world to join us in our work in Uganda. For ten days, we immersed ourselves in collaboration, co-designing solutions alongside the NGOs and the communities they serve. Since 2014, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with an NGO called Hope for Youth – H4YU, nestled

Global Thinking: Embracing Global Values while holding a local sensitivity

When can we say a leader has a Global Thinking? If your team leader has travelled to several countries is he/she a global thinker? If you work for an international organization do you have the global thinking? If your company has a foothold in several countries, is it a global company? What does it mean to be a global company? Must the company have products and processes that are consistent with the culture and values of each country? The questions above do not have one simple answer as Global Thinking is quite a complex topic. It is also a trendy

Making Places Shaping Destinations in Brazil:
A collaborative framework for innovative education

Over the years, I have been organizing international field work programs in Brazil, partnering with many organizations. In these field work programs, students, faculty and community together create a learning community within the living communities of Brazil. Students can learn from first-hand cultural diversity, transforming academic learning into practical action. As a consequence, besides educating youngsters to work with real context and complex matters, we can also support promoting more impact in Brazilian organizations and communities. The specific course: MakingPlaces Shaping Destinations is a special one. This is an interdisciplinary Minor offered at Breda University of Applied Sciences. In this

Capacity building on Tourism Development in Cape Verde, Africa

Capacity building on Tourism development in São Vicente and Santo Antão, Cabo Verde
Project Funded by RVO Netherlands and Ministry of Tourism in Cape Verde

Intercultural work for Public Engagement, Parelheiros – SP – Brazil

One of the projects developed by the Brazilian NGO Ibeac  is called “Ruas adotadas” (adopted streets) in which they occupied some streets of the neighborhood to give space for kids to play, for parents to engage and learn from each other, and for workshops about healthy food to be given.

Cross-cultural and knowledge exchange between Brazil and The Netherlands

The Brazilian bites is a collection of events happening throughout the year bringing professionals and acacemics working in a Brazilian context. They present their cases, studies and stories in different formats and for all types of audiences.

Innovation Games in Brazil – Creative Placemaking

Twenty-five youngsters of a region called Silva Jardim, close to Rio de Janeiro-Brazil came together to spend five days playing with collaborative methodologies while solving four challenges defined by local actors of the region.

Design Challenge: Towards a sustainable tourism vision for Amazonas: Creating hybrid narratives

In my role of business developer and content coordinator for the “hotspot Brazil” at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences I embraced the challenge to organize a field trip for the Imagineering Master students in Brazil with a design challenge – How to create hybrid tourism narratives in order to develop sustainable tourism in the region of the Amazonas. This present design challenge was organized as a first concrete step in building a strong partnership between our University and the State University of Amazonas, in Brazil, specially with the Ocean Samsung http://www.oceanbrasil.com, the innovation lab. sponsored by Samsung. Our goal

Destination Management Field work: A project of collaborative exploration in Australia & Myanmar.

Every year, the master TDM (Tourism Destination  Management) at NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences organizes a field trip in order to have the students experiencing first hand a destination, translating the classroom learning into “real world”. The students spend three months on three different destinations. I was with them in Australia and Myanmar, facilitating the changing of destination and making sure the groups are working well. My main role was to focus at the group work of the students, looking at how their interaction and  communication are helping (or not) in the exploration of the assignment. This is an

Co-creating empowerment through storytelling and photovoice – UGANDA

The Uganda project is a partnership with two NGOs – HealthNest Uganda and Hope for Youth Uganda The objectives of the project are: ONE: To discover Uganda through the eyes of its people, establishing a long-term collaboration with Health Nest Uganda, Hope for Youth Uganda as well as the Nkumba University in order to generate collaborative knowledge among all parties. TWO: To set up an intervention with the youth of Uganda. With this intervention we are trying to motivate the youth to realize their strengths and potential. In this intervention we will use the following tools, photovoice, storytelling, appreciative- and