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Dialogue, Creativity & Innovation - Celiane Camargo-Borges

In this section you have a flavor of the trainings, workshops and courses I offer on dialogue, creativity and innovation.

As a co-creative catalyst, I design and facilitate conversations and experiences to  ignite people  and to catalyze social innovation. In my facilitations I work with “collective creativity,” a relational approach to creativity in which people can exercise their creative thinking together, generating innovative ideas on a topic/projects.

I also offer facilitations to support teams to engage and ignite their own creativity and innovative potential.


Leading with purpose: a journey into systemic leadership

This interactive workshop focuses on the power of systemic leadership. The first part delves into conceptual aspects, during which I share transformative principles inspired by ‘Bem Viver,’ a systemic cosmovision rooted in Indigenous wisdom that celebrates interconnectedness and holistic inclusion. Together, we challenge conventional paradigms and embrace a systemic, integral, and relational approach to leadership, paving the way for a harmonious and sustainable future. The second part is more applied, where I invite participants to engage in exercises exploring core skills for navigating complex systems with grace and efficacy.

Design Sprint: emergent technologies and knowledges (saberes) contributing to the design of smart(er) universities

One approach to designing our global future together involves connecting to a network of cross-cultures and cross-borders, inspiring individuals to comprehend and to embrace the diversity of the world and its knowledge. By doing that we engage participants, create a community of learning and thus co-create inclusive solutions for various matters. Over two days, participants from Breda University and the University of São Paulo collaborated in a hybrid setting, leveraging their international mindset, fostering cross-cultural exchange, and promoting transdisciplinarity to tackle pressing, complex issues. The design sprint had as a general topic:  Glocalization: Bridging Global Issues with Local Solutions and

Design Thinking naar toekomstscenario’s voor complexe locaties

Design Thinking naar toekomstscenario’s voor complexe locaties Creative training and facilitation at the Municipality of Zaanstad, known as the Gemeente Zaanstad. The group included social workers, urban designers, and strategists. Together, we delved into the challenges of the region using the Constructionist-Design Framework, which was inspired by my latest book(https://designingconversations.us/design-thinking-e-social-construction/) . Around 20 participants engaged with the topic of “How can  Design Thinking  approach impact the Olan factory and how can we come up with some ideas and translate that into an innovative action for this place” . The goal of the exercise was to use design thinking and the

Course on “Exploring Relational Theory and Practice”

In this course, together with my colleague Ken Gergen, we discuss relational theory and practice. This course taps on the shift from the traditional focus on individuals to the relational processes that are co-produced. This 6-week online course introduces common premises and orienting ideas central to relational theory. The course consists of six modules with online conference meetings, readings, videos and online dialogues. On the first call the conceptual framework of relational theory will be developed. This will be followed by five additional conference calls to explore the material from each module. During the week, participants will be asked to

A Collection of best practices on Public Space Initiatives

The Innovation Game. State of the Art Catalogue. Collection of best practices on public space initiatives.

Training in stakeholder mapping and analysis

Stakeholder Mapping and analysis is the technique that can be used to identify the key people and organizations that you have to relate for your  project or your organization.

Workshop Customer Journey map – Norway

Customer Journey maps is an oriented graph that describes the journey of a customer by representing the different touchpoints that characterize his/her interaction with the service.

Innovation Games in Brazil – Creative Placemaking

Twenty-five youngsters of a region called Silva Jardim, close to Rio de Janeiro-Brazil came together to spend five days playing with collaborative methodologies while solving four challenges defined by local actors of the region.

Innovation Games workshop at the Dutch embassy in Brazil

Innovation Games in Brazil!
A workshop at the Dutch Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, presented innovation games and the community Silva Jardim where we will playing in April 2019 to develop youth entrepreneurship. 

Workshop: Organization as conversations: positive change through art and play

This workshop was about understanding and experimenting how to use art and play to facilitate positive encounters, to create a safe space and to promote meaningful conversations. It was focused on how to become a co-creative catalyst, a group facilitator that can design environments to bring ideas and perspectives together in a collective creativity format. During the workshop participants learned how to use some tools from arts-based approach, a well establish method that involvesphotovoice, storytelling, pictures and visuals. By embracing such tools one can enable powerful narratives that go beyond rational linguistic representation, thereby amplifying stories and providing a more

Experience Design Course

A three days workshop on designing experiences!

Presenting at the Global conference of Positive Change

The 2nd Global Conference on Positive Change, happened in Amsterdam during the 15th – 16th November, 2018 and I was invited to present on the topic of: “Organization as conversations: positive change through art and play”.

Team Performance and Creative Leadership Course

I love teaching the course “Team Performance and Creative Leadership”. This course is offered to the international master students of Tourism Destination Management and together with my colleague Wesley Put we bring many tools and resources to help young professionals to perform better in teams, to learn a more relational way to lead and also to become the professional that the 21st century needs.

Culture, Sustainability, and Place: Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development

11 to 13 October 2017 Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal   Overview:  The United Nations has designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. In this context, this conference will explore the place and roles of culture within sustainable tourism and local sustainable development. The conference follows from transdisciplinary work on investigating cultural sustainability across Europe and other international efforts to highlight and understand the roles of culture in sustainable development, and to develop and strengthen our cultural bridges to nature. It aims to bring together artists working with ecological and sustainability issues, cultural heritage

Co-café at the Institute of Technology and Society in Rio de Janeiro

Co-viva, an innovative consultancy firm from São Paulo, together with NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences and Unirio organized a workshop called co-café to share knowledge and experiences on Sustainability, tourism and technology. Experts from the areas above mentioned were invited to come and to co-create ideas and possibilities together. Many creative tools were applied to facilitate a good interaction and the emergence of new ideas, inviting the group to go beyond the established understanding on the topic, expanding the possibilities and creating a better future on the topic. The outcome of this encounter is reported here:   2017_Cocafe_Report For more

Innovatie in ICT & Onderwijs


Soft Technologies – collaborative methodologies for organizational learning processes & resources for engagement

This course was a 3 full day workshop on understanding the power of technology, focusing on soft/relational technologies in the development of innovative approaches for Organizational learning processes. The course also offered practical resources to be applied in the daily life of an organization aiming at more relational responsibility and engagement. The first day of the course was about giving the big context of our contemporary society and the need for organizational change. Topics such as globalization and technology revolution were part of the contexto. Furthermore, new management approaches were introduced, embracing the concepts of relational leadership, dialogue and relational

Experience design course – Imagineering Masters

Three days co-creating knowledge and practice in context, using the collective creativity and the ABCD model of Imagineering to come up with an experience for each challenge.

Co-creating the Taos Institute Europe through designing research principles

Workshop: Co-creating the Taos Europe through designing research principles

The Social Innovation Project

The Tilburg University, Faculty of Humanities, Liberal Arts and Scicences, offers a discipline every year on  social innovation in which all the students need to work on a social innovation project. The coordinator of the course Ellen Dreezens invited me to be part of the team and give a workshop to the students on how to have effective meetings when the topic is social innovation. The students have different backgrounds, from Law to marketing. Very inspiring students to work with.