Introduction to Organisational Ethics
2019 Ethical Dilemmas in the Creative, Cultural and Service Industries. Routledge Publisher. Edited by Johan Bouwer
The book talks about ethical dilemmas in organizations and business.
The chapter Organizational Ethics starts by making the statement that the classical theories of organizational ethics are becoming obsolete, as they are not aligned with contemporary needs of our fast changing world and its new forms of interaction and relationships. New theories and concepts are emerging, proposing that organizations should be taken as a network of conversations, in which professionals would look at situated practices in order to create ethical interventions. In this chapter, a relational perspective on ethics is presented, which entails awareness and sensitivity towards the organizational context. There is an invitation for more contextual ethical actions, showing the need of co-creation among all involved. The ideas will be presented followed by three illustrations written by different authors.
Book Ethical Dilemmas in the Creative Culture