Location: Akademie für Erwachsenenbildung aeB Schhweiz“ Switzerland
Dates: August 24 – 25, 2017
Presenters: Celiane Camargo-Borges, Ph.D. and Astrid Frischknecht M.A., Ph.D. student TAOS/Twente University
“What if we replaced the persistent rush to establish “what is the case” and began to ask, “what kind of world could we build”? This would be to place the researcher’s values in the forefront of his/her activities. [..] what if purposeful and passionate visions supplied the source of inquiry? Given a valued vision of the possible, the challenge for research would be to explore how such a possibility could be realized. The aim of research would not be to illuminate what is, but to create what is to become. Herein lies the essence of a future forming orientation to research.”
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Coaching, Change Management (Supervision), Counselling, Consulting, Organizational Development