Collaborative inquiry: a methodological exploration
29th & 30th September 2016.
VUB, Campus Etterbeek, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
A TAOS workshop in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
From a social constructionist perspective, research can be seen as a form of social practice that produces a particular kind of knowledge. An important idea thereby is that knowledge – also academic knowledge – is always co-constructed in & through relationships.. This approach on researchhas important implications on the way a research is designed.
These two days workshop focuses on social constructionist inquiry and invites the participants to explore and reflect upon their own research design and more specifically their own methodological choices. Departing from some ideas about what SC research can be, we will create an active, co-learning space where each participant can explore his/her own research in collaboration with the group of participants.
Download brochure here:Collaborative inquiry workshop in VUB sept 2016
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