January, 22nd-24th, 2016, in Madrid, Spain.
At the 1st TIE Meeting in October 2014, in Prague, the TI Associates in Europe gathered, focusing first on exploring a theme of shared interest through a seminar on Relational Research, and second, together dreaming about the future of the newborn TIE. In Prague we generated multiple ideas.
In this 2nd Meeting of TIE Future Forming in Madrid, our topic for shared inquiry will be Social Construction and Design, and the TIE-Board together with the design process team, have co-created the following agenda:
- Jan 22nd, Friday (9.00-14.00) Conference: Presentation of Social Constructionism (SC) and TIE in Spain and Workshop on SC for friends and curious about SC.
- Jan 22nd, Friday afternoon (16.00-20.00) Conference & Dialogues on “Social Construction in Europe: what TIE and the SC have to offer in the XXI century Europe”
- Jan 23rd Saturday and 24th Sunday: “Seminar on Social Construction and Design” with guest speakers, dialogues and design circles (hands-on design working groups) around the priority topics for TIE’s Future Forming. Only for associates and candidates.
Read more about this event: 2nd_TIE_MEETING_invitation.pdf