I’m excited about designing conversations for welcoming wor\ds.
A place in which collaboration can unfold and the ordinary can become extraordinary.

I work as a consultant, trainer, researcher and coach in a diversity of areas where creativity and dialogue are core to promote learning and innovation.
This website is about my professional life, my practice, my research and my passion at ‘Designing conversations’ and ‘Designing research’.
In Designing Conversations: I have projects with organizations and communities to support them coming together and have a better social impact. We, together, develop a plan embracing a global mindset with a local sensibility. I host and facilitate workshops to design, engage, reflect and re-framing ideas and actions. One example is the Innovation Games in the region of Rio de Janeiro. Local youngsters were facilitated through play and games to develop entrepreneurial skills, developing sustainable business in their localities. You can look into more examples of what I can offer here – Designing conversations.
In Designing Research: As a researcher, I work with relational epistemologies such as Social Constructionism, Systems Thinking, and Complexity Theory where knowledge is emergent and context-related. I believe in the plurality of knowledge development, where by integrating different ways of knowing you can produce generative knowledge, tackling complex matters. With that believe, as we produce knowledge we are creating new practices together. I coach and supervise masters and PhD students collaborating with different universities and institutions all over the world. To see more on that click here – Designing research.
You are welcome to take a tour around my website and see what I am busy with and where we could collaborate. Thank you! Obrigada! Bedankt!